วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Radiation——Approaches to polysemy

Polysemy is used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings. Polysemy is an essential feature of a language’s economy and efficiency.

Semantically, radiation is the process in which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.

The word head affords a good example of radiation. We may regard as the central meaning that with which we are most familiar, —— a part of the body. From this we get ① the “top” of anything, literally or figuratively, whether it resembles a head in shape (as the head of a cane, a pin, or a nail), or merely in position or preeminence (as the head of a page, the head of the table, the head of the hall); ② figuratively, “leadership”, or concretely, “ a leader” (the head of the army, the head of the school); ③ the “head”of a coin (the side on which the ruler’s head is stamped); ④the “source”of a stream, “spring” “well-head”, “fountain-head”;⑤the hydraulic sense (head of water); ⑥a “promontory”, as Beechy Head; ⑦ “an armed farce”,“ a troop” (now obsolete); ⑧a single person or individual, as in “five head of cattle”; ⑨the “main points”, as in “the heads of a discourse”(also “notes” of such points).

We observe that any derived meaning may itself become the source of one or more further derivatives. It may even act as a centre whence such derivatives radiate in considerable numbers, precisely as if it were the primary sense of the word.

Thus, in the case of head, the sense of the “top”of anything immediately divides into that which resembles a human head in ①shape, or ② position merely. And each of these senses may radiate in several directions. Thus from ①we have the head of a pin, of a nail, of a barrel, of an ulcer; from ② we have the head of a table, of a hall, of a printed page, of a subscription-list. And some of these meanings may also be further developed. “The head of the table”, for instance, may indicate position, or may be transferred to the person who sits in that position.

Sense No. ②, the “forefront” of a body of persons, the “leader”,cannot be altogether separated from No. ①But it may come perfectly well from the central meaning. In every animal but man the head actually precedes the rest of the body as the creature moves. At all events, the sense of “leadership” or “leader”(it is impossible to keep them apart) has given rise to an infinity of particular applications and idiomatic phrases. The head of a procession, of an army, of a class, of a revolt, ——these phrases all suggest personal leadership, but in different degrees and very various relations to the persons who are led, so that they may all be regarded as radiating from a common centre.

Another example is the word “hand”. The word “hand” may signify:
1) part of the human body beyond the wrist
2) keeping, possession: The property is no longer in my hands.
3) (sing. only) skill: She has a light hand at pastry.
4) person who does (what is indicated in the context) He is a new hand.
5) employee The factory has taken on 200 extra hands.
6) turn, share in an activity Do you think he had a hand in it?
7) a thing like a hand, pointer on a watch, clock the hour (minute, second) hand
8) member of a group of card-players We have only three players, we need a fourth hand.
9) applause Give a performer a big hand.

The primary meaning of the word hand (a part of the human body beyond the wrist) is used as a central meaning which stands at the center. Other meanings are derived from it in every direction like rays.

