Predication is the way that individuals instantiate--embody, carry out, take on, or are linked to--properties, actions, attributes, and states. (198)
2 kinds of things that linguistic expression 'can' denote:
Things that are independent and can stand alone: INDIVIDUALS.
The independent individuals are 'arguments'.
Things that are dependent and cannot stand alone:QUALITIES, RELATIONS, ACTS, PROPERTIES, and STATES.
The inherently dependent phenomena are predicates.
Thematic role & its grammatical encoding
Thematic role: AGENT
Grammatical role: SUBJECT
Morphological case: NOMINATIVE
Typology of thematic roles

The 'Agent' is the deliberatede, potent, active instigator of the predicate: the primary, involved doer.
The 'Author' is the sufficient, but not the necessary, cause of the predication; hence it is often understood as the inactive cause. Animacy, intentionality, and responsibility are not required of the author.
The 'Instrument' is the means by which a predicate is carried out. Unlike agents and authors, instruments must be acted upon by something else in order to participate in the situation; their energy source is external to them.
The 'Patient' is changed by, or is directly affected by a predicate. A patient suffers a situation, or comes out changed as a result of the action of the predicate.
The internal state or constitution of the 'Expeiencer' is affected by the predicate. Because internally affected entities have to have an internal state to register the effect, experiencers frequently turn out to be human, or at least animate.
The 'Benefactive' derive actions or entities from the actions of another. Benefactives may be viewed, alternatively, as arguments inherently dependent on surrogates.
In the prototypical situation of motion,some entity is displaced as the result of an initiator's influence and moves from some resting point along the trajectory, often to another resting point. The displaced entity is the 'Theme' of the predication of displacement.
The 'Source' is the reference to the point of origin of displacement in motion predicate.
The 'Goal' is the reference to the point of destination of displacement in motion predicate.
The 'Locative' is the spatial position of the predicate; it is the site of the predication, or its static position.
The 'Reason' is the prior condition of a predication. Reasons may also be said to link other events to predication by means of motivation of an agent.
The 'Purpose' is the result or consequence of a predicate. Purposes focus on the contextual endpoints of predications.

Localist reduction


Linking theory
- Fillmore's subject hierarchy
- Givón's topic accessibility hierarchy
- Jackendoff's thematic hierarchy conditioncondition