วันเสาร์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Semantic structure of adjectives, adverbs and prepositions

Semantic structure of adjectives, adverbs and prepositions
          Non-time relationships refer to the quiescent, stable and single relationships between entities, this kind of relations have time stability, do not consume time. To some extent, non-time relationships are contrasted with process relationship (the relationships which have to take time, have less time stability).
          According to Lackoff, if a word’s semantic expresses non-time relationship, has a feature that time stability, and its emitter is an entity, then the word is an adjective. For example, “the blue sky”, “blue” is a simple non-time relationship, has time stability. And the emitter is “blue” is a kind of color (entity). To say it in detail, as a color, blue needs a carrier (the sky) to attach to, demonstration of sky makes the blue more detail and specific.
           If a word’s semantic pole has stability of time, but emitter is progress, then the word is an adverb. For example, “he walks fast”, “fast” is non-time relationship, it does not consume time, but the carrier of “fast” is a verb (walk) which is a progress consuming a certain time, then the word “fast” is an adverb.
          If a word’s semantic pole is stable in time, the landmark is entity, then the word is preposition. For example, “Tom is with Mary”, “with” is a simple non-time relationship, the landmark is “Mary”, then “with” is a preposition. Symbolic of preposition expression have both the functions of adjective and adverb. For instance,
                  a man like Napo leon.
                  Cut the paper with knife.
       “Like Napo leon” in this sentence is the same as an adjective, because the land mark is entity; “with knife” in the instance has a feature as adverb, because  the emitter is progress.

